CHANGELOG $Revision: 1.17 $ Versions are named after the revision control version of the main python file which is probably a flawed approach, but it'll do. 1.69: * Adrian Wells - Don't create tables for lists that don't exist (eg. if a user of the web interface goes to a list that doesn't exist, the adaptor would create tables for it anyway). * Mike Bradley - getTableType() function bugfixes. 'flat' table type should work again now. * Thorsten Buker, README ideas. * Adrian Wells, put back selection of bi_cookie into the internal data structure of mailman when we get it from the database. * fil (at)'s suggestion to reduce the size of the listname attribute because of mysql problems implemented. 1.63: * Adrian Wells - _BounceInfo.__init__() update. NB. Users of mailman versions prior to version 2.1.4 should use the patch version 1.62, and apply later changes to it as they wish (PS. Mike Bradley also mentioned problems here). 1.62: * Adrian Wells - Initial status should be 'ENABLED', not 'UNKNOWN', as also noted by Moshe Weitzman and Thorsten Buker. 1.61: * Gergely EGERVARY - Line 494 'AND' bugfix. * Update to bounce and nomail status code, and related data structure, so it should now work (it now appears to be inline with what's happening in, after an error noted by an oRe Net customer. * Bugfix the table architecture selection. * Cosmetic update to mkmysqlmailman contrib script. 1.57: 2004/12/13 * Merge in Daniel Shriver patch for a flat table architecture. [ Suggested by Kevin McCann , but I hadn't found time to do it myself... ] * Add bugfix information from Jinhyok Heo * Add in mksqlmailman script from TheSin * Follow Barry Warsaw's suggestion on delivery status timestamp. * Apply GPL license to code. 1.53: 2004/01/08 * Add "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " to __init routine to enable automatic creation of list tables, rather than manual. * Associated documentation update. 1.51: 2003/11/19 * Cleanup __init__ subroutine. Make errors go to STDOUT as well as to the error log (otherwise init scripts don't output anything, yet fail to start) 1.49: 2003/11/10 * Fix for MYSQL_MEMBER_DB_VERBOSE not being defined causing an unhandled exception. * Documentation updates. 1.47: 2003/11/10 * Bounce info corrections. Now properly returning date tuples for lastnotice, and date parts of the bounce info, and returning them with the correct values to trigger the rest of the bounce handling in 1.39: 2003/11/08 * Verbosity configuration, in 1.34: 2003/11/08 * Changed print() calls to syslog()'s, because it seems more in keeping with the "Mailman way". * Module load/unload messages. 1.30: 2003/11/08 * __del() method added. should close connections for us when the module is unloaded. 1.29: 2003/11/08 * Log server version in the logs. * Bounce bugfixes. * Trap error on server reconnect, and give a better message(?) * Connection sharing bugfixes. 1.25: 2003/11/07 * Connection sharing throughout the lifespan of 1.24: 2003/11/07 * Update bounce code. 1.23: 2003/11/06 * Bugfix in multiline strings. * MySQL string escaping for duff list member addresses. 1.19: 2003/11/06 * Fix for connections maybe not being closed. * Borrow code from BDB to get rid of Mailman internal data structures we don't want to have hanging around. 1.16: 2003/11/06 * Exception handling. * Fix bounce handling? 1.12: 2003/11/04 * ping() the database to see if our user/pass/host/db params are correct on init() 1.9: 2003/11/04 * Cleanup of duplicate effort of connecting. 1.7: 2003/11/04 * Moved to portable configuration. 1.5: 2003/11/04 * Bugfix for queue running... 1.2: 2003/11/04 * More functionality added. 1.1: 2003/11/03 * Initial revision.